While indulging in our favorite seasonal goodies is part of what makes this time of year special, going in with a hefty dose of mindfulness will help ensure we’re not stressing our bodies with too much sugar. Finding recipes that are equally delicious and festive as they are healthy is also a huge key to coming out of the holiday season looking and feeling fab. This persimmon shake is just that. Full of nutrients, absolutely thick, creamy and delicious, free of refined sugar, and with that perfect hint of holiday spice.
Persimmons are a special treat you do not want to miss out on this time of year – they appear fast and go out of season faster. They’re sweet and succulent and also happen to be a powerhouse of nutrition. Just one 3.5 oz serving of persimmon offers 33% of the RDA for Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. This nutrient is incredible for supporting healthy skin cells and eyesight as we age. It is an antioxidant helping to repair oxidative damage and helps keep us looking youthful. Persimmons also offer a hefty dose of Vitamin C for healthy immunity, as well as the trace mineral manganese which is a cofactor for the enzyme superoxide dismutase – one of the body’s master antioxidants. Not only that but persimmons are a gut-healthy food, offering lots of soluble fiber which helps gently sweep waste from our GI system. This tasty shake contains an added dose of probiotics which also supports gut health and will help boost immunity during cold and flu season. Not to mention, probiotics will also help combat that post-Thanksgiving dinner bloat. Can we get an amen?
Enjoy this festive recipe!
The Recipe
Gut Healthy Persimmon Coconut “Eggnog” Shake
8 oz coconut milk
1/2 packet frozen young Thai coconut meat
1/2 large Fuyu persimmon chopped and frozen (or 1 small)
1 frozen banana
1 serving of Sunbiotics Vanilla Probiotics with Prebiotics Powder
2 drops therapeutic grade nutmeg oil or 1/2 tsp organic nutmeg powder
2 dashes cinnamon
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
Optional: 1/2 tsp maca powder
1. Blend ingredients until smooth and creamy

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